Council News

WCOT General Meeting – 10 December

Rusdi Bustillo, the coordinator of the congress organizing team called all members involved in organizing the congress for meeting.

Additional new team members have been  recruited and were introduced. The new team are working under logistics, accommodation, transportation, health, and services. The WSA treasurer is also reinforced for dealing with congress matters. 


WCOT Meeting with Wings – 3 December

The congress team met with representatives of the Wings ( SDIA, SICA, SESI) and discuss the program of the Wings for the World Congress.

The congress team met with representatives of the Wings ( SDIA, SICA, SESI) and discuss the program of the Wings for the World Congress.

WSA BOD Meeting – 2 December

At the last BOD Meeting of 2023, the agenda item consisted of WSA 2024 Budget which included the World Congress Budget.

Aside from that,  matters that needed to be followed up were on the agenda in anticipation of the Congress and handover to the next team. 

The world congress team updated the meeting on matters concerning program, and other preparations. The request from SDIA/SEA on education fund was also discussed at length.


MSF – WSC Joint meeting – 18 November

MSF called for the annual joint meeting to approve MSF annual budget.

As there was no quorum for the WSA board, their approval of MSF 2024 budget will be approved by email. The Archives Sub-committee ( Matthew Moir and Suyono) reported on the progress of the Canberra Archives Facility project . MSF reported on applications for MSF Trustees candidates. MSF is encouraging for more applicant, which deadlines for application has been moved to 15 January 2024. Further information on Zone Representative replacement; so far three Zones ( Zone 6, Zone 8, and Zone 9 ) have new replacements for the next term. The MSF – WSA MOU working team are finishing the MOU draft and will present it to each of MSF and WSA board. 

As the Congress date has been confirmed,  WCOT will open registration six months before ( 15 January 2024) and is working on the Congress program with all parties. MSF also reports on the progress of the AdiPuri building project and the grants for Subud Houses


WSA BOD Meeting – 4 November

The first agenda of the meeting discussed the result of the WCOT meeting with the Wings.

Harris Madden and Rusdi Bustillo reported.  Also discussed were Congress matters regarding dates of the Congress, registration date and fees, including support for delegates ( including youth) attending the Congress. The WSA 2024 budget will need input from the Zones on support for their delegates. The board also discussed matters concerning the Subud education funds, and the Canberra Archives project funds.

WCOT Meeting with Wings – 3 November

The congress team met with representatives of the Wings ( SDIA, SICA, SESI) and discuss the program of the Wings for the World Congress.

The congress team met with representatives of the Wings ( SDIA, SICA, SESI) and discuss the program of the Wings for the World Congress.

Agenda of the meeting : Discussion and Council decision on World Congress venue in Kalimantan  

Background:  At the periodic WSC Zoom Meeting on 2nd of July 2023, after discussion and assessment of the conditions and options, the meeting decided that the World Congress will NOT take place in January 2024. 

Following the recommendation of the WCOT,  the Zone Representatives instructed the Executive Chair, Suyono to advise them by the end of October 2023, at the latest, whether the  World Congress can be conducted in mid -July 2024. 

Meanwhile, WCOT produced a discussion paper which contained versions of world congress venue scenarios to which members of the council were asked to comments and provide their choice of scenarios by way of email correspondence. Responses to the comments and questions were addressed by WCOT and shared to all council members online. 

The purpose of this meeting is for the council to come to a harmonious conclusion and agree on the same venue scenario proposed by WCOT.  

Proceeding of the meeting: At 18:00 hours Jakarta time the WSC Zoom meeting started and was broadcasted live through WSA YouTube Channel

Introduction was made by Suyono, WSA Executive followed by the International Helpers Dewan requesting Latihan and testing offline for 30 minutes. Questions for the testing has been prepared by the IH Dewan and shared on the Zoom and YouTube Chat. After the Latihan and test offline, and all participants returned online, Nahum Harlap, WSA Chair, chaired the meeting. It was not the intention of the meeting to discuss the result of the testing.  After three hours of sharing feedback, comments, and discussion the Council  concluded on the common choice of scenario for the venue and program. Further detailed program and logistics will on the agenda at the next meeting, proposed for the 4th of November 2023.  Recording of the meeting can be requested by email to wsa.secretary@

WSA Board Meeting – 23 September

First on the agenda was the World Congress venues.

After the last Council Meeting and the August Board Meeting, the WCOT prepared a Discussion Paper  on the venue options and cost involved of the World Congress. The paper was briefly introduced at the  meeting and will be distributed by email to the Council members for feedback. Council members are invited to comment and pose questions to the WCOT by email to be responded by WCOT. The meeting decided to call for a Council meeting on the 14th of October (right after the International Helpers Dewan meeting in Porto)  to discuss the venue of the congress in July 2024. 

Second on the agenda item was the update on the WSA Archive Facility project in Canberra. Suyono first updated the meeting on the fundraising campaign for the archives facility project. Construction may be able to start in October, with the development approval already in the pipeline, which require fulfilling minor condition. Further updates were made on the planned sale of the Ex- BSB land in Wisma Subud Cilandak. The meeting requested that further marketing plan be made for the sale of the property. The International Helpers Area 2 shared their experience from the visit to Zone 6 countries  and the Zone 6 Meeting early September 2023

WSA BOD Meeting – 12 August

WSA invited the SDIA board at the WSA board meeting.

Vincent Mount informed the WSA board on the activities of SDIA members projects. Both board discussed the relationship between WSA and SDIA, and the process of drafting the MOU between the two organizations. They also discussed  the perspectives from each organization on what the role of the other should be and how to work together.

The WSA discussed the budget for the reunion of Zone 6 members in September in DRC. Suyono announced the resignation of Amanecer Urrutia as Care Support Coordinator. The meeting was followed by the WCOT report on the preparation of the World Congress, specifically on the venues scenarios proposed by the WCOT. 

WSA Zoom with Subud DRC – 8 August

International Helper, Area 2 , organized a meeting for the WSA Executive Chair, Suyono to meet with Subud DRC.

The meeting discussed the plan of  the Zone 6 meeting in September 2023 and the support of WSA for DRC to organize it.